Time Goes By, Sure Knows How to Fly... / by Jerry Johnson

Time is fleeting. This is certainly no great revelation to anyone. Although I wrote and recorded this song nearly forty years ago with some dear friends, the timeless message remains. Through the decades, I’ve eagerly bounced back and forth between visual and aural art forms. I LOVE them both!

Even in my “youthful” 20s, I recognized the brisk slippage of time. Where do the days go? A long-time friend of mine took this song from my “old band days” and he created this video highlighting precious family memories throughout. There truly exists eternal value to invest in moments, relationships, and purposes that last far beyond our temporal lives. I hope that you (and I) can commit to live in these rich moments as if our eternity depended upon it!

All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls,” (1 Peter 1:24). Similarly, “yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” (James 4:14). “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (1 Cor. 4:18).

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[CHORUS] Time goes by - sure knows how to fly
Takes no thought as it passes right by you
Old times seem - just like yesterday
No reason those times should stand in our way

v.1 We were younger then - didn't care why or when
We were living for the moment
Smiles weren't so uncommon
The sun - the moon was warm and
Though storm clouds came those storm clouds went

Time don't walk - it always runs
Waits for no one - time goes by and by
Time don't walk - it always runs
Waits for no one - time goes by and by

v.2 Oh how I cherish those memories of the past
But I know those things done in true love will last
And when we bid this world farewell
What will remain - only time will tell

Time don't walk - it always runs
Waits for no one - time goes by and by
Time don't walk - it always runs
Waits for no one - time goes by and by

[CHORUS] Time goes by - sure knows how to fly
Takes no thought as it passes right by you
Old times seem - just like yesterday
No reason those times should stand in our way

Oh how I cherish those memories of the past
But I know those things done in true love will last
And when we bid this world farewell
What will remain - only time will tell

[PRE-CHORUS/CHORUS] Time don't walk - it always runs
Waits for no one - time goes by and by
Time don't walk - it always runs
Waits for no one - time goes by and by