Sienna Cloud enjoys “open studio” during TroyFest!!! / by Jerry Johnson

What a difference a day makes (Saturday storms + Sunday shines)

I’ve actually begun three new series of work in the past year; showcasing two of these during the opening.

Firstly) the “BIRDS INSPIRE” series. These mixed-media works pay homage to the feathered friends that frequent us often in the backyards of Troy. To date, I’ve paid pictorial homage to the Northern Cardinal, Eastern Towhee, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, House Finch, Eastern Bluebird, and probably my favorite—the Carolina Wren. My initial plan was to create 10-15 of these before moving on to another series but I’m impatient and decided to do several series concurrently.

During TroyFest and the opening, two of my aerial guests (now memorialized in paint and graphite) have flown the coop to reside in their new homes. Grateful for patrons of the arts! :)

Secondly) the featured abstract series “BE STILL, LIFE” is a colorful and vivid exploration of “the still life”. Inspiration for this series was in large part due to the Pike County Art Guild, regularly meeting in my studio for drawing/paining sessions. We would take turns being responsible for setting up various table-top objects to paint, sketch, or draw. I LOVE how time spent with fellow creatives always spawns new ideas and new energies. If you reside in Pike County and enjoy the visual arts—what a great group of folks to partner with! (PCAG)

Thirdly) TroyGeo is a beginning series of drawings and mixed-media that will integrate recognizable (and sometimes iconic) elements of Troy arranged in a creative fashion utilizing geometric shapes. More to come about this series!

Below is an album of images from the “open studio”: